


The ASEAN Project on Disaster Risk Reduction by Integrating Climate Change Projection into Flood and Landslide Risk Assessment (ASEAN DRR-CCA) is an initiative under the ASEAN Committee on Disaster Management Working Group on Prevention and Mitigation, supported by the Government of Japan through Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF).

The project aims to demonstrate the integration of climate projections into flood and landslide risk assessment; and equip ASEAN Member States with tools and techniques on risk assessment and mapping for better land-use planning. This will ensure they are better equipped with appropriate solutions to address future risks.

The project will complement ASEAN objectives to achieve its objectives set under the ASEAN Agreement on Disaster Management and Emergency Response (AADMER), the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR), the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Specific Objectives

  1. Demonstrate the integration of climate projections into flood and landslide risk assessment through case studies in selected river basins.
  2. Develop guidelines and training modules to incorporate climate change projections into flood and landslide risk assessments based on pilot exercise in Lao PDR and Myanmar.
  3. Strengthen and enhance technical capacities of targeted national and local government officials and institutions on flood and landslide risk assessment and risk mapping with incorporation of climate projection through structured training sessions, case studies and case visits.

Expected Outputs

Sharing lessons to wider ASEAN

The lessons and rich experiences from the project will be compiled in the form of guidelines, Implementation reports of River Basin Pilot Sites, Risk maps and land-use planning, and case visit reports. The guideline will serve as a reference material in ASEAN for a river basin scale landslide and flood risk assessment incorporating climate change and serve in the decision making process.

Key Activities

Bridging knowledge and capacity gaps

The whole exercise of co-learning is meant to bridge knowledge and fill capacity gaps through progressive learning. The project provides a learning platform through three approaches:
Establishment of River Basin Pilots (RBPs) for flood and landslide risk assessment and mapping to demonstrate a river basin approach of risk assessment, mapping and planning.
Case visit and in-house lectures to update on the concepts and latest methods of risk assessment and provide an exposure to best practices of flood and landslide risk assessments from select countries.
Co-development of flood and landslide risk assessment guidelines for ASEAN

Learning by doing in pilot river basins

Four RBP sites were established to demonstrate landslide and flood risk assessment in Myanmar and Lao PDR. In each site, RBP team was established involving the key agencies (disaster, meteorology, hydrology, geology) and a team of experts to conduct risk assessment with the participation of local people in pilot sites. Relevant experts from ASEAN countries engaged in the pilot demonstration through their feedback on the methodological approach and strategy building. The pilots serve as a model case for interactive learning while addressing the on-the-ground risk assessment and disaster risk planning challenges, including potential climate change impacts.

Learning from ASEAN experiences through Case visits

Case visits are integral part of the project designed to expose RBP team and ASEAN members on effective flood and landslide risk management practices in ASEAN and Japan. The case visits helped RBP teams to understand the process of risk management and uptake replicable approaches in the pilot sites. Case visits provided the opportunity to update with new practices, cross-examine with the existing practices in their own country, and establish connection with relevant agencies and resource person.

Cross-learning among ASEAN disaster management experts

The project provided a platform among ASEAN disaster management experts from relevant agencies to learn from each other. In each of the activities and training sessions helped to build a solid understanding of disaster risk assessment. These includes familiarization of fundamental concepts and methods of risk assessment and climate change downscaling and hands-on experience of modeling and spatial tools and techniques.

ASEAN Member States contribution as a resource person was significant in bringing their in-country experiences and leading the discussion. Participation of ASEAN and RBP team greatly helped in identifying the capacity gaps and available know-how on disaster risk management spread across agencies in ASEAN Member States such as on disaster risk management system, latest tools and information platform, guidelines, and planning.

Pilot Area

River Basin Pilot (RBPs) are trial study areas in this project selected to demonstrate flood and landslide risk assessment and mapping by integrating climate change to all ASEAN Member States.

RBPs are conceptualized as units for flood and landslide risk assessment using the river basin approach and integral part of the capacity building component of this project where most appropriate tools and techniques of landslide and flood risk assessment in a participatory manner will be applied.

Implementation Structure

Previous Project

The on-going effort builds on the previous JICA project on ‘Strengthening Institutional and Policy Framework on Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation’ (Concept Note 20) completed in December 2017, corresponding to AADMER 2013-2015, AADMER 2016-2020 and Hyogo Framework 2005-2020.

Through numerous field visits and stakeholders consultations, Member States concurred that flood and landslide are two most common water related disasters caused by rain and can be seen across almost all ASEAN countries, hence the focus for this project; while improvement of hazard and risk assessments/risk mapping integrating climate change projection was marked highest priority in the region.

Sites visited by the Project Team


ASEAN Project on Disaster Risk Reduction by Integrating Climate Change Projection into Flood and Landslide Risk Assessment (ASEAN DRR-CCA) is supported by the Government of Japan through the Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF).

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